class Person :
def __init__(self,fname,lname):
self.fname = fname
self.lname = lname = f"{fname}.{lname}"
def printname(self):
return f"The Person Name Is {self.fname} {self.lname}"
harrypotter = Person("Harry","Potter")
harrypotter.fname = "A" # If you tried to change the fname it will not change its email #
print( # Email will be same #
''' If you want to change email with the change in its fname and lname
Then you have to define a Method '''
# Let's See #
class Person :
def __init__(self,fname,lname):
self.fname = fname
self.lname = lname
def printname(self):
return f"The Person Name Is {self.fname} {self.lname}"
@property # To call the function with the help of Attribute,We use property method #
def email(self): # Method #
return f"The Email Is {self.fname}.{self.lname}"
@email.setter # setter method = Used to set an email#
def email(self,string):
list = string.split("@")
names = list[0]
self.fname = names.split(".")[0]
self.lname = names.split(".")[1]
@email.getter # getter method = Used to get an email #
def email(self):
if self.fname == None or self.lname == None :
return "Email is not set , Please set it using setter method"
return f"The Email Is {self.fname}.{self.lname}"
@email.deleter # deleter method
def email(self):
self.fname = None
self.lname = None
harrypotter = Person("Harry","Potter")
print( # Function is called with the help of Attribute because we have used property method #
harrypotter.fname = "H"
harrypotter.lname = "P"
print( # fname and lname is changed with the help of method #
''' For Ex. If you tried to change an Attribute It will throw an error,
If you want to change It you have to use setter method ''' = "" # Show ERROR without setter #
del # To delete an email you have to define a deleter method #
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